• What to Expect in Songwriting Lessons



    These are not your typical lessons.


    Expect to wait on Holy Spirit first. You may or may not write a single song for weeks if He wants to work on any stress, heart blocks, or mental hurdles. This work will be done according to what the Spirit sees of first importance. There will be time allowance at the end of each lesson in case He wants extra space. We are not on our time, we are on His.


    This will be key in all aspects of songwriting.


    A pure heart will speak pure songs.


    Your songs will be tested and tried over the years, and we will ask the Lord with you how to be ready for that. Training and spiritual fitness is a must. We do not believe that a million spotify views or a platform means you are being "raised up." It means your heart is being tested. He is the only audience to seek out. We want to encourage you and support you as Jesus renews your mind. We know this process produces beautifully pure songs!


    Training for hiddenness.


    You will be mentored to begin your own gallery for the Lord. We will mentor and encourage you on how to set that up and what it looks like.


    Prepare your heart to give Him different aspects of your creativity, when He is ready to reveal that. Do not expect to write songs because they are relevant. Expect to write them because they are from Him. You are not made to be like anyone else, and neither are your songs. We are also firm believers that the platform or big city is not the goal, He is.


    Joy and laughter!


    Despite the tone and sobriety of this page, we are GOOFY & laid back! We enjoy JOY. Truly, we love life with the Lord. Let's share in joy and fun together!


    Onto the next sobering point :D

    All out of love. <3


    Cultivating your pure heart gives life to pure creativity.


    You will be challenged to refine your playlists with the Lord and ask Him which music is valuable to Him. This may not always be easy. We are also music lovers, constantly asking this question in all genres we listen to.


    Keep in mind, the things you are invited to lay down may be things He has asked your instructors to pick up & vice versa. Our walks are different. We will always listen to His leading for this & not assume your journey is the same. Prepare your heart to lay things on His altar, as He is purifying you for your good & His glory. You may be amazed at the sounds & songs that come fourth!

    (we *heart* dad jokes)


    Dying to self is celebrated!


    When you give your future to the Father, you release more control to Him. That is to be celebrated! When you choose His path for your songs and follow His leading, heaven rejoices & so do we.